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Olympia Clinic Provider Update: Ruiz, PA-C

Patients of Brittany Ruiz, PA-C will be receiving a letter sharing that effective September 13, 2024, she will moving out of state. If you did not receive the letter, a copy can be found here: letter to Brittany Ruiz’s patients.

Brittany has played a significant role in the Olympia Clinic’s success, and we sincerely wish her the best in her future endeavors. She wishes to thank each of you for allowing her to participate in your care and be part of the community over the last 7 years.

We deeply value your trust in our clinic and want to assure you that we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing you with the highest-quality healthcare. We look forward to continuing to serve you and meeting your healthcare needs.

Update on 09/13/2024:

To my patients/community: I pray that while the transition is hard that I have left enough faith over the years in the medical system that you keep believing. If I had one job as a PCP it was to follow you throughout your lifetime, but since our time is ending I pray that I have at least been that stability and allowed you to have a safe place to be yourself over the years while we worked together on your care. Gracias por su confianza durante tantos años; los llevo para siempre en mi corazon ❤

Maya Angelou once said, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” This is true for me and hopefully for my patients as well.

“La gente olvidará lo que dijiste, la gente olvidará lo que hiciste, pero jamas como les hiciste sentir.” Es cierto para mi y espero que para mis pacientes igual.

